As much as I would like to, I can not possibly fill this site with the volume of valuable information that is available on the web pertaining to this fascinating hobby of antique lure, rod and reel collecting. So I have developed this section in hopes that it might help provide further guidance to some of the other important antique lure, rod and reel collector resources that are available on the internet and in book stores. This is a work in progress, so I will add more as time allows. Click on the links below and enjoy the tour.
Randy's Antique Fishing Lure Blog Featuring various articles, pictures, video clips, lure picks of the week ,and who knows what else, pertaining to the world of collecting, fishing, and the great outdoors....old and new.
Lure Collectors Corner On this page you will find pictures of collections and lures from friends and fellow antique lure collectors. If you have something that is special to you or rare, and you would like to add it to this gallery, please contact me.
This page contains relevant old fishing lure and reel clubs on the National and State levels. There are many clubs and sporting shows on the local levels also, and as I can locate them, I will add them to the list.
Antique Fishing Lure Message Board Managed by Joe Yates, this bulletin board has proven to be one of the most useful tools on the internet for antique lure collectors.
Books, Magazines, and Media Resources More information geared toward the Antique Fishing Lure and Tackle collector. Knowledge is power, and there is power in books.